9月. 27, 2023

在被纽约洋基队选中之前,费城的杰森·威利斯磨练了他作为投手的技能,并帮助1998年东部中央社区学院钻石勇士队获得了该学院有史以来的第一个棒球冠军. In recognition of his outstanding career, he will be inducted in the ECCC Athletic Hall of Fame on Thursday, 10月. 12, during 同学会 festivities on the Decatur campus.

“I’m beyond excited,威利斯说 of his induction. “在这个地方,这是我生命中如此特殊的一部分,这是一种荣誉.”

威利斯作为勇士棒球队的一员在东中心待了两年, 由当时的主教练杰米·克拉克和助理尼尔·霍利曼和李·伊迪带领.

“East Central was the only place that offered me a scholarship. 克拉克教练相信我,他似乎能最大限度地发挥他的球员. He told me before my freshman season that if I would listen to him, he would get me where I wanted to be. For some crazy reason, I believed him!威利斯说.

After prepping at Neshoba Central High School, 他是1998年赢得大学第一个州冠军的球队的一员,在他任职的两年里,钻石勇士队背靠背地参加了NJCAA第23区锦标赛,并在1999年获得亚军.

Neal霍利曼, current ECCC head baseball coach and assistant on the 1998 team, 说, “I think Jason’s selection to the Hall of Fame is very well deserved. 他是我有幸执教过的最有天赋的投手之一, and while his stats on the field speak for themselves, what truly sets him apart is the person he has become off the field. What speaks to his true character is his devotion as a husband and father, 以及他作为青年牧师和基督教运动员团契的工作, which is having a profound impact on the young people of his community.”

A right-handed pitcher/first baseman, 威利斯在东中部的大一赛季取得了10胜2负的战绩,同时获得了东中部和澳门赛马会南区最有价值球员奖. He was named All-State and All-Region. 他还发布了 .场均337分,有13支本垒打,是纽约洋基队第24轮选秀.

During his sophomore season in 1999, 威利斯 finished with a 10-5 record and led Region 23 in strikeouts with 127. 威利斯在一场比赛中三振18人,创下了23区锦标赛的纪录. 在那场比赛中,他只被击出四支安打和两次保送,还击出了一支两分全垒打. He was again named All-State and All-Region.

在与东北密西西比社区大学的创纪录比赛之后, Coach Clark was quoted in the newspaper saying, “我对威利斯唯一不满的是,他的父母在生他的时候没有生双胞胎. Eighteen strikeouts and two walks in a playoff is almost unbelievable. 除了两年前我们给他提供奖学金的时候,你没什么好说的了, maybe we made the right decision.”

Earlier in the 1999 season, 威利斯 threw a no-hitter against Southwest Mississippi Community College, the first no-hitter for an EC pitcher since 1996. That game was his fourth career shutout, an ECCC record at the time.

In addition to outstanding little league and high school coaches, 威利斯 had a phenomenal support team at home and 说 his parents, Linda 威利斯 and the late Derrell 威利斯, never missed a game in high school and hardly ever missed a college game. 但他说,ECCC教练杰米·克拉克将永远是那个把他推向棒球生涯最高处的人.

“I don’t think I would have made it as far as I did without his influence. He just seemed to pull every bit of talent out of me. As a team it was all go and no quit from day one. I remember it was raining the first day of practice my freshman year. 我们聚集在更衣室,克拉克教练走进来说:“你们知道我们在下雨的时候做什么吗?? 我们被淋湿了!这就是当时的心态. 当其他团队都在宿舍里的时候我们就在工作.”

Reminiscing about his playing days, 威利斯说,有无数特定游戏或游戏的记忆突然出现, former players and special moments, 包括在东密西西比的史酷巴球场赢得冠军,以及在MCC破纪录的比赛. 他说有很多东西让那个地方和那支球队变得特别.

“Setting the K record couldn’t have meant more to me at the time. 就在几天前,我在对阵德尔加多的比赛中第一局就被淘汰出局了. 克拉克教练让我振作起来过几天他还会需要我. The next game came against Northeast came and I was able to redeem myself. 感觉很棒!”

Multiple members of the 1998 squad went on to play at the next level. 威利斯, who originally signed with Ole Miss, 他选择与洋基队签约,并在洋基队的小联盟中待了几年,包括成为2001年纽约宾夕法尼亚大联盟冠军阵容的一员.

“被选中就像我的祈祷得到了回应,梦想成真了. The decision to play in the SEC or professional ball was a tough one, but one that I had to make quickly. I chose to sign and play for the Yankees. The minor leagues are brutal! Long bus rides, short sleeps in hotels and never-ending nights at the park. 但是真的很棒!”

Following his baseball career, 杰森回到了费城的家,在那里他拥有并经营了一家体育用品商店好几年. He later served as a youth pastor at Trinity Baptist Church. 他现在是内肖巴县基督教运动员团契的代表,也是ECCC棒球队的代表.

“Taking a role that combines sports and ministry, 我和FCA一起去学校,用耶稣的好消息影响和鼓励更多的学生. 我觉得我们的社会正处于这样一个地方,年轻人正在寻找任何形式的希望和光明. 在我的一生中,我看到了上帝的善良,我想与他们分享.

前队友BJ莫罗说威利斯是东部中部赢得1998年州冠军的关键部分. “We had a lot of experienced players on the team, and he found a way to contribute both on the mound and at the plate.  威利斯有资格进入ECCC体育名人堂,因为他在作为学生运动员的两年里对棒球项目和学校做出了贡献. 然而, 作为澳洲幸运5一期计划,他也一直支持这个项目,现在他可以作为FCA团队的代表与现役球员一起工作, 他将继续帮助鼓励和教授课程,这些课程将比他们的职业生涯更长久.”  


他说, “我明白上帝如何在我的生命中使用了这么多的东西,给了我一个平台,使我能够更加重视耶稣的名字. MVP奖项和冠军赛的意义与以前完全不同. 我一直很努力,知道棒球将是我一生的追求, 但现在这场比赛给了我一个站在人们面前宣讲福音的机会. 我永远感激我在迪凯特的时光和在小联盟度过的时光.”

威利斯也遇到了他的妻子, the former Crystal Cooley at ECCC, 他说,这也是迪凯特大学对他和他的家人来说是一个特别的地方的另一个原因.  他们已经结婚24年了,有三个女儿:坎布雷·威利斯·梅奥, 也是ECCC的毕业生, Jaci, 和Claydi.

